“She’s crying because you are leaving.” We just finished our show at Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School in Freeport, Bahama. Most of the students were making their way back to the classroom; however, there was one girl who didn’t want the show to end. Her teacher told us that she was upset because it was over.
The kids enjoyed it. They were having so much fun that they kept talking back to us. Each routine with a volunteer took more time because they were so eager to play. This took up some of the time in our show. So much time that we didn’t have time to do the juggling finale. This young girl who was crying, she wanted more show. Many of the teachers told us that these children here were going home for the holidays in uncertain circumstances because of the damage left by Hurricane Dorian.
I told the girl that there was an invisible ball in her pocket. She looked at me with a look of confusion. I told her again, “You have a ball inside your pocket, it’s invisible.“ She reached into her pocket and pulled out …an invisible ball. I held out a small paper bag. “Throw the ball into the bag,” I told her. She threw the invisible ball into the paper bag. The bag made “pop!” a sound when it landed. She smiled and said, “Let me throw it again.” Eventually, her friends saw this and started playing with the ball as well. The play continued, and each of them was given an invisible ball to keep. That’s the thing about invisible balls. You can always find more.
The mirror.