
 Meredith Gordon is a circus artist, actor, and musician. Meredith fell in love with theater and circus at an early age. He taught himself to juggle as a teenager and developed a passion for theater as a college student. Over the past 30 years, Meredith has trained and worked as an actor and circus artist.  He freelances as a circus artist and musician. In 2000, he became a medical clown with the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit and was the Atlanta Clown Care Unit supervisor from 2012 to 2016. He is now a member of the Laughter League Atlanta team. He began working in social circus as a coach with Cirque du Monde in 2001 and continues his work as a circus educator. He is a 2019 recipient of the Tanne Award, which recognizes outstanding achievements by artists. In 2019, he did his first tour with Clowns Without Borders, USA. 2020, he joined the CWB Board of Directors. In 2023, he was selected to be an artist in Emory’s Arts and Social Justice Fellows Program.

Meredith holds a BA degree in Theater (minor in Music) from Middle Tennessee State University.  As a musician, he plays the piano, ukulele, and accordion. As an actor, he has performed with the Alliance Theater, 7 Stages, Theatrical Outfit,  Georgia Ensemble Theater, Atlanta Shakespeare Company, Actor’s  Express, Georgia Shakespeare Festival, and Jomandi Productions. 

Click here to download a PDF of Meredith’s Resume.