Our show Monday was at the Regency Theater in Freeport. When I first saw this show on the schedule, I thought the venue was a movie theater. Later I was told that it was space for live performances. This makes me happy. It’s no surprise that I’ve always loved the magic of a live performance. We meet the president of the theater. She told us that this theater started fifty years ago and that it is the only full purpose theater in the Caribbean. Hurricane Dorian flooded the theater. It destroyed the space, the lights, the seating, and the electrical system.
The audience arrived minutes after we got to the theater. We set up the space and did the show. We performed the show outside, in front of the theater, because the inside is flooded. The Greek masks of Tragedy and Comedy are painted on the walls of the building. The painting with the Tragedy and Comedy masks made me think of the faces of the people I’ve seen in Freeport. I’ve been fortunate to see smiles and laughter since I’ve been here. I’ve also seen the Tragedy of the storm. The evidence is in plain sight as I look around.
I’m glad we had the opportunity to clown here.
Clay expecting a kiss.
A hard right turn in the taxi!
Clay with his lasso.
Amaranthe with the slide whistle!
Opening parade!
laughing and falling down.
Shelter with a friend.
In the audience.