….Sydney Poitier and Helen Donnelly were trailblazers creating new paths, moving us forward to a new normal. Both authentically shared their work with us. We are better because of their art and their lives.
Read MoreBeing visible… It is there if you find a way to see it.
Read MoreAIDS is a cruel disease. Jim had it when the disease was at its cruelest. After several weeks in the hospital, Jim and I decided that it would be best if he moved to Atlanta to stay with me. He lived with me that last year and a half; sometimes, he was in the hospital for weeks…
Read MoreWhy it so hard to move this rock…
Read MoreMy nostalgia has led me to stumble across some pictures of our work. Mainly photos with Vincenzo Tortorici. Vincenzo was with me when I began as part of the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit. He was instrumental in helping us establish hospital clowning in Atlanta. I always enjoyed working with him…
Read MoreA few notable moments from my most recent day clowning at The Children's Hospital Piedmont in Columbus, Georgia, with dr. tiny, a.k.a. Ron Anglin. Ron is doing an excellent job of organizing and maintaining our clown presents in Columbia. …
Read MoreFolks,
I will be involved in two presentations at H.C.I.M., the Healthcare Clown International Meeting. The conference is October 6-8th at The Hague in the Netherlands. The Healthcare Clown International Meeting is a conference of medical clowns from across the world. Three years ago and I was able to attend the conference in Vienna. This year, I'm delighted that they excepted the two proposals for the workshops…
Read MoreHealthcare clowning has always been close to my heart. Over the years, I've watched some programs begin working with adults and eldercare populations.
Eldercare clowning is especially close to my heart because of my experience with my mother, Florence Gordon. Mom played the piano at church. Some of my earliest memories are of my mom playing the piano at church in my hometown of Cleveland, Tennessee. I would sit in the pew during church services and watch mom…
Read MoreOne of the unique challenges in the field now is that there are very few African-American clowns doing this work. When I began this work 21 years ago, I was one of eight people who were hired. I was the only black clown on the team…
Read MoreI've done a lot of soul searching about clowning over the past four years. The soul-searching is led me to question my place in the work. It's made me ask why I value the work I do and, more importantly, why I continue to want to do it…
Read MoreWe're coming up on a full year of the Covid pandemic. The pandemic routine has become oddly familiar, almost comfortable. The pandemic has introduced a schedule for me, mostly staying at home, on the rare occasion going out into public. I'm an introvert at heart…
Read More"I have a legacy.", he says. He raises his hands in celebration, knowing that his work is remembered. Jonathan Perry is a former hospital clown. He is celebrating a memory he created. A picture on my phone reminds him of the legacy he started twenty-one years ago. He was one of the founding members of the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit…
Read MoreThe recent focus on Black Lives Matter and the racial awakening that began last year renew a focus on an issue that I've wrestled with over these 20 years…
Read MoreI stop everything I'm doing. I wait. Maybe she will do it. Perhaps she doesn't understand. Maybe she doesn't know what to do. Maybe, she wants to sing along, but she doesn't want to be rude and interrupt me. So, I wait…
Read MoreI’ve witnessed what levity and humor can do even in these difficult and trying times. This brings me to the #givethegiggles campaign from Clowns Without Borders…
Read MoreThe past election and the upcoming runoff here in Georgia has me thinking about political action and how we all participate in the process. I live in Georgia…
Read MoreTwenty-nine years ago, in 1991, I came to Atlanta to perform at Oglethorpe University. I performed in a tent in the middle of a field. Now, in 2020 I'm back at Oglethorpe University, once again performing under a tent in a field. In 1991,..
Read MoreThe conversation about diversity in the arts and the clowning world continues. I've been in several panel discussions about diversity and people of color in the circus world. In late September, The Play the Fool Festival hosted a talk called "Culture, Identity, and Clowning: A BIPoC Artist Conversation"…
Read MoreThe patient looked back at me as he smiled. He was about to say something, but then he paused to think about precisely what he was going to say. After thinking it over, he said, "I bet you can't drop your hat down onto your foot and then toss it back up onto your head."..
Read MoreThe words were familiar if not identical to comments I've seen before. They talk about the purpose of art in our world, how artists' work can serve a greater good in our society. Too often, we think that the artist's primary goal is to entertain…
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